This is a site for the chosen ones, the Chris followers. If you sight fell upon this site, you are exhalted as a children of the chris desteny, it is a honour having you here brother in Chris. If your faith is not shared with us, just take your gaze up to the stars at night, and you will witness the ultimate being, Chris...
"when people ask me, what is darkness, I say to them 'it's everything and nothing, it's Chris' therefore Chris is the ultimate bliss"- Arnold Chwartenegoriy.
When got created the universe, he sais, let there be light, but without the help of his best homie Chris, there would be no night, so no time when to sleep so no night, therefore Chris is as responsible for our lives as god himself. Sidharta Guatama, also known as Buddha Shakyamuni, or the Buddha, said life is emptiness. When there is no light, there is nothing to see, therefore, Chris, the darkness, is life, he is emptiness. This is why we love Chris and we have created this website to express our love.